prga.prog.frame.protocol module

class prga.prog.frame.protocol.FrameProtocol

Bases: object

class Programming

Bases: object

Bitstream composed of sequence of instructions. Each instruction is 4-byte long, big endian. The most significant byte is composed of a 4-bit op code, 3 odd parity bits, one for each of the 3 remaining bytes, and an additional odd parity bit for the 7 bits mentioned above.

 31    28    27       26       25       24    23    16 15     8 7      0
|        | parity | parity | parity | parity | byte 2 | byte 1 | byte 0 |
| opcode |  for   |  for   |  for   |  for   +--------+--------+--------+
|        | byte 2 | byte 1 | byte 0 | 31:25  |         argument         |


  • SOB: Start of bitstream. Argument is a magic number: 0xC4816D
  • EOB: End of bitstream. Argument is a magic number: 0xDABA47
  • JR: Jump relative to the current address.
  • JAL: Jump to an absolute address, only modifying the Lower 24 bits. NOT “JUMP-AND-LINK” XD
  • JAH: Jump to an absolute address, only modifying the Higher 24 bits
  • JAE: Jump to an absolute address, only modifying the Extended 24 bits, 71:48. Reserved for Extremely large FPGAs
  • DATA: Start of a data segment. The argument is the number of “words” following the instruction, MINUS 1. i.e. 0 means 1 word, 15 means 16 words. The actual payload is aligned to 32-bit boundary
  • READ: Read back a set amount of words. The argument is the number of “words” to read, MINUS 1
  • CKSWRL: Write the Lower 24 bits of the checksum
  • CKSWRH: Write the Higher 24 bits of the checksum
  • CKSWRE: Write the Extended 24 bits, 71:48 of the checksum
  • CKSRDL: Read the Lower 24 bits of the checksum
  • CKSRDH: Read the Higher 24 bits of the checksum
  • CKSRDE: Read the Extended 24 bits , 71:48 of the checksum
class MAGIC

Bases: prga.util.Enum

An enumeration.

EOB = 14334535
NOP = 0
SOB = 12878189
class MSGType

Bases: prga.util.Enum

An enumeration.

DATA = 4
EOB = 2
JAE = 15
JAH = 14
JAL = 13
JR = 12
NOP = 0
READ = 8
SOB = 1